Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hi, we're the Hoyt family! My name is Shannon, my hubby's name is Tyler. We've been married for 6 years and have 3 awesome kiddos - Emmy 4, Alayna 3, and Reese 2. When Tyler and I started dating the subject of adoption came up a few times and when it did we were pretty clear on the subject. We both felt that we were meant to be parents of both natural and adopted babies/kids, God willing. The calling was there.
We got married in October of 2006 and about 6 months later miscarried our first baby. I was devastated. But we learned a lot during that time about letting go and trusting in God's goodness. A few months later, on new years day we discovered I was pregnant again and this time I delivered a sweet baby girl when September rolled around. After that we were both hooked on being parents. Sure, a mom and dad need a sanity break here and there and we try to keep all aspects of our family healthy, especially our individual relationships with God and our marriage but seriously, BABIES! KIDS! They can be so challenging but we both believe that there is little else in this world as worth while as loving a little one and growing their roots and wings.
Fast forward two years more and you would see me recovering from a c-section from our boy Reese-man. His sisters Emmy and Nay both immediately loved him with no reservations. That's just how they are.... And then came- the vasectomy. This probably sounds ridiculous but I think it hurt me more than it hurt him. Not like that. But to say good bye to my productive days at the age of 25 kind of stings! What I had to hold on to was that we were doing it for a reason. We did it for the next baby who we knew would not be coming from our own bodies but who already had/has a place in our hearts.
I think that same week we started talking with the girls about adoption and explaining how we would do that someday. Believe it or not, there has been comprehension in their eyes anytime we have spoken with them about it. They ask questions and really seem to understand that "that's just what our family is meant to do." It seems that God has been preparing all of our hearts for this child that will soon enter our family. Even Reese (Bubba) who is only two years old has an understanding of adoption and love and is excited to meet his little brother and become a big brother himself.
At this point we are all EXCITED about this, our first adoption! And it is go time! God has recently shown us that it is time to get moving, start bringing in the funds, and rolling with the adoption gauntlet that must inevitably be run to get to this sweet munchkin at the end.
So there's some history on us. Just a smidge.
 I will be setting up a donate button in the next few days where anyone who feels led to help us bring baby Hoyt home is welcome to do so, be it $0.50 or $500! Every little bit gets us closer to meeting this little man God has waiting for us, every day is one day closer, in both the lean and the plenty. God is moving.
Check back here for future updates to find out whats going on and hear about our progress. One day soon we pray we can post a picture of baby Hoyt # FOUR!

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