Sunday, March 31, 2013

Waiting Hard

Sometimes I wish I could hold a clock under God's nose and say "See? This is the human time we are operating in. Did you forget?" The audacity, I know....Yes, I'm totally a "Martha." Yes, I know God hasn't forgotten us.
I don't actually know how to wait on God's timing. I've just always moved right along and done what I could and things have happened when they happened. I've never had to wait long for results or meeting a goal or seeing some progress day by day for anything really. Maybe it's part of growing up in America. Whether we're waiting for a ride, waiting for our food, waiting for the results from a pregnancy test, waiting to get over a cold, there's usually activity close by that gives us some kind of indication of whats going on in the margins.
Right now I feel blind. This part of stepping out into the unknown has me figuratively wringing my hands. I'm afraid to do it wrong. I'm afraid it won't be enough.
I know that one of the major things I am meant to learn through all this is to be steady and keep strong each day - to keep the coals glowing. Every day is a new day and his mercies are new for every one of them. Perhaps I should take this season to learn and then teach my kids, in turn, how to gracefully work hard and wait hard.
I want it to happen faster. I want it to be simpler. But most adoptions just don't work that way. I don't think ours will be one of those rare exceptions. I know this child will be exceptional! But I also know the process won't be magic.
We are praying over two separate and different scenarios for the time being and we could really use the prayer from others for clarity and discernment. We won't give up.
Right now we know it will most likely be winter before we complete our home study. Until then we must raise the funds for those things that come before it as well as the home study itself. Paperwork, family profile, etc....
I am so tired right now. It's late. I'm not thinking too clearly. I want to know... how do I wait for God's timing? It's simple to say and a pain in the butt to actually comprehend and get used to. I'm still at the comprehending stage. How do I recognize God's timing when there seems to be nothing to time? It's probably a good thing I don't own a stop watch.... for the present this momma will pass the time by getting some sleep. ; )

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